
Showing posts from December, 2021

latest Tools difference , advantages

  SQL vs NoSQL: SQL :  - Relation database, Structured, Vertically scalable ( you can increase the load on a single server by increasing things like RAM, CPU, or SSD ).  - Table based -  PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server No Sql : -  Distributed, Unstructured, Horizontally scalable  - Key-value pair, document-based, Graph database -  Redis, RavenDB Cassandra, MongoDB, BigTable, HBase, Neo4j and CouchDB Key highlights on SQL vs NoSQL:     SQL NoSQL RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (RDBMS) Non-relational or distributed database system. These databases have fixed or static or predefined schema They have dynamic schema These databases are not suited for hierarchical data storage. These databases are best suited for hierarchical data storage. These databases are best suited for complex queries These databases are not so good for complex queries Vertically Scalable Horizontally scalable Follows ACID property Follows CAP(consis...