JMS / RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ - Messaging Broker
RabbitMQ Setup:
Steps to download and install RabbitMQ for Windows:
Download the MQ zip file and supported Erlang exe from the above link.
1. Install Erlang, set ERLANG_HOME and path in Environment variable.
ERLANG_HOME: C:\Program Files\erl-24.0.4PATH: C:\Program Files\erl-24.0.4\bin
2. Enable Rabbitmq management:
C:\Program Files\rabbitmq_server-3.9.1\sbin>rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management
C:\Program Files\rabbitmq_server-3.9.1\sbin\rabbitmq-server
4. Launch the URL in the browser http://localhost:15672/ (guest/guest)
Types Of Exchanges:
- Direct
- Fanout
- Topic
- Headers
The message will be redirected by Exchange to the specific queue based on the Key.
Do the below steps in RabbitMQ management:
1. Create Exchange (Type=direct)
2. Create Queues
3. Bind the queues with Exchange with routing key
The message will be redirected by Exchange to all the queues bind with it.Do the below steps in RabbitMQ management:
1. Create Exchange (Type=fanout)
2. Bind the queues with Exchange with routing key
* One word
# Any number of word
1. Create Exchange (Type=topic)
2. Bind the queues with Exchange with routing key
x-match=all : it's like AND condition
x-match=any : it's like OR condition
1. Create Exchange (Type=headers)
2. Bind the queues with Exchange with arguments (refer to the below screenshot)
Default exchange:
Any message sending directly to queue, will be routed through Default Exchange which will be created by RabbitMQ by default.
channel.basicPublish("", "Queue-1", null, message.getBytes());
RabbitMQ with SpringBoot
RabbitMQ Template - for publishing message
RabbitMQ Listener - for consumer
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